Borderlands 3 amara build
Borderlands 3 amara build

Awakening - increases the effect of Amara's Rush stacks.īrawl Tree grants extra defenses by increasing Amara's Life and Find your Center grants amazing Melee Damage bonus, which is a must-have if you are using the Face-puncher.Laid Bare - enemies damage with Phaseslam will receive increased damage from all sources.Wrath - another Gun Damage bonus which is granted after using Action Skill.Transcend - grants increased Accuracy and Critical Damage for a short duration after using the Action Skill.We also benefit from Rush stacks which are gained on kills, or if you have the Phasezerker Siren Mod, you will automatically gain maximum Rush stacks on using the Action Skill This is the core Tree that allows us to gain the insane burst of damage after using Phaseslam.

borderlands 3 amara build

While we are using all three Passive Tables in this build, your primary focus should be the Mystical Assault, which grants insane bonuses for a short duration after you use your Action Skill - Phaseslam in this particular case. Reliant on multiple Legendary Items to reach this build's maximum potentialīelow you will find the recommended Passive for the Best Amara Build based on Massive Elemental Damage.Odealo is a player-to-player marketplace for Borderlands 3 Items, Weapons, and more! This build, however, can be put in the Glass-cannon category, since it offers mediocre defensive utility, but then again, dead enemies can't harm you. It works wonder when combined with Face-puncher, Cutsman, and Primeval Spectral Phasezerker Legendary Items that make our Melee Damage skyrocket which is utilized by the Face-puncher Legendary Shotgun. Of course, it still remains very powerful regardless of your equipment but utilizing the listed Legendaries allows you to Melt Bosses within seconds, and one shot-most of the enemies when you are buffed. Amara's damage is multiplied to extreme levels for a short duration after we use our Action Skill - Phaseslam, which can be even further amplified by Anointed gear that may grant 300% bonus Gun Damage for a few seconds after using Phaseslam. Our Amara Max Elemental DPS Build is among the best Amara Builds at the moment, offering the highest possible burst DPS in the game.

borderlands 3 amara build

The former will trigger additional elemental effects on enemies while the latter will enable you to crowd control and attack them all at once.You can also check our other Borderlands 3 builds at Best Borderlands 3 Builds for all Characters Both will help you in dispatching the enemies much faster but in different ways. The build is best used with either the Deliverance or the Ties that Bind action skils. This Amara build will boost the damage and make every element completely viable so you can mix and match the weapons depending on the type of enemy you are facing. With that being said, most of your initial skill points should be invested into the Fist of the Elements skill tree and the rest into the Mystical Assault tree. We already made her into a one-punch siren and now it’s time to give her the power over the elements. ELEMENTAL GOD BUILDĪs stated, an effective Amara build will either be focused on turning her into melee or an elemental powerhouse. Tyreen better hide under a rock cause Amara likes to kick ass and chew bubblegum – and she’s all out of gum. You’ll often be up close and personal with the enemies since the more you kill them – the more of a tanky powerhouse you become. This Amara build offers high damage with high survivability and is fully viable for the endgame. This is accomplished with lifesteal effect of the ascendant skill as well as the soul sap augment that will heal you each time you use phaseslam.

borderlands 3 amara build

The fist of the elements tree and its two skills are there to boost your elemental status effects and melee damage while mystical assault tree skills are there to reduce skill cooldown and further boost the survivability of the build. Solo playstyle is further boosted with her guardian angel skill which will instantly give her a second wind with full health every two minutes. Plus, if you kill an enemy with it – the skill will have no cooldown. The final skill in the tree will even change her default melee into a quick dash attack. Every time you use phaseslam, all of that will exponentially increase and even grant you additional damage reduction. The brawl tree and the skills there are designed to slightly increase gun damage output, massively increase Amara’s melee damage and grant her insane amounts of health and health regeneration. The build is best used with phaseslam action skill since you’ll be in enemies faces anyway most of the time.

Borderlands 3 amara build