Artyom dies and the game ends with his burial. In his search for medicine to cure Anna's affliction, Artyom succumbs to the heavy radiation in the Dead City. Obviously, major spoilers ahead, so stop reading now if you do plan on playing the game but haven't finished it yet. Read on if you just want to know what happens in the end. *Big, BIG, bigger than that, BIG-OLD SPOILER WARNING* Most of these guys can be avoided and don't even need to be knocked out. Don't kill forest tribe members in the Taiga whenever possible.

If you're looking for a more detailed list of secrets and optional objectives, check out our guide to all the Metro Exodus map locations (opens in new tab). We've avoided major story spoilers here, but be warned, there are some minor area and character spoilers ahead. With that in mind, here are some examples of positive actions that you should take, as well as specific decisions to look out for. If you can do that, you'll go on the nice list. Explore the map thoroughly, and remember to ask questions first and shoot only when necessary. Basically, if you want to see the Metro Exodus good ending, use your best judgment and don't be a bastard.